No eres usuario premium - Hazte premium


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Is there a trial period?

No. There is currently no possibility of hiring with a probationary period.

Does the subscription renew automatically?

Yes, if you want to continue with us, you don't have to do anything else... you will be renewed monthly, quarterly or annually, depending on the plan you have chosen.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, simply cancel your subscription at Access-Your membership on our website..., you will not be charged again. You will be entitled to enjoy all the time you have paid until the end, but you will not renew and you will not be charged anything from that moment on. For example: if you subscribe to a monthly plan on January 1. At that time, if you have not cancelled you will be charged 9.90 of the monthly plan. On January 9th you decide that you do not want to renew in February. You cancel your membership and you will not be charged for the February subscription, but you will have access to the site until January 30 without any problem.

How often do you renew the content of the site?

Every day of the year there is new content on our website. Therefore the update is continuous, understanding that coaches need to have material constantly to modernize our trainings.

How can I contact you?

La forma más fácil es en la seccion de atencion al cliente, creando un ticket con la incidencia, te responderemos lo antes posible. Tambien puedes mandarnos un correo a Es un poco más lento, pero no te preocupes… en poco tiempo resolveremos tus dudas.

What happens if I have subscribed to a plan and I have not received my passwords and I cannot access?

When you subscribe to a plan, you have to set up your username and password. If you cannot access for any other reason, please contact us at and we will solve the problem.

¿ Se puede acceder a la web y a la app con las mismas credenciales?

No.La App y la web son dos productos distintos. Tienen distintas contraseñas de acceso. Por lo tanto si te has subscrito a traves de la WEB, nos tienes que enviar un correo solicitando unas claves para la App.

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