The tactical block responds to this. These are: offensive, defensive, ball transitions and space transitions.
Tactical zones. We divide the field into three horizontal strips. Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3.
Regardless of the style of play we have, these situations will appear in the game if or if. It is up to us if we want to work on them and if so, how we want to train them.
We can perform different activities from the point of view of the players we use and how they affect the lines of our tactical drawing. That is, with a single player, with two components of the same line, with a complete line, with components that affect two lines, or the two complete lines, or with the whole team.
We can also perform them in an analytical way, without opponents or ball, or in a way that the ball appears with or without opposition.
There are 4 PHASES OF PLAY, which correspond to the main phases of the game. These are: offensive, defensive, ball transitions and space transitions.
These tactical blocks complement each other through different sequences of play. For example, offensive+ transition of space from zone 1 to 2+ transition from offensive to defensive in zone 2.
The team is in possession of the ball.
The team is not in possession of the ball
These are the standard transitions. Going from having the ball to not having it (transition from offensive to defensive), or going from not having it to having it (transition from defensive to defensive).
In this type of transitions there is no change in ball possession. They are transitions in space by the same ball holder. They can be advancing zones (for example from zone 1 to zone 2), which would be a Transition of offensive space (TES O) or they can also be in regression (you can have the ball in zone 3 and without losing possession of it end up in zone 1), which we would call TES D (defensive space transition).
Where do the actions of the game take place? It is clear that we could make multiple divisions of the playing field in different planes.
We understand that with 3 main zones you can structure the tactical work in a complete way.
What game situations occur in each area of the field?
Regardless of the style of play we have, these situations will appear in the game if or if. It is up to us if we want to work on them and if so, how we want to train them.
These situations are present in zone 1. They are the tactical contents that have to be worked on in relation to the tactical blocks and the zone in which they are developed.
As stable phases they would be:
Ball output
Low block defense
Then we would have the ball transitions:
Offensive to defensive transition zone 1
Transition from defensive to offensive in zone 1
Space transitions:
Those space transitions with ball possession, without loss of possession of the ball from zone 1 to zone 2 or 3.
Also the team's block movements from zone 1 to a higher zone. For example, moving the defensive block forward from zone 1 to zone 2.
How do we develop the tasks in our training sessions, from the point of view of participation?cipation point of view?
We can perform the tactical tasks with the whole team, or in a partial way (by lines, only certain players, etc.).
From another point of view, we have to determine whether we are making them without opposition o with opposition.
They are performed without a ball and without an opponent. They are tactical tasks closer to the conceptual level.
affect a complete line (midfielders, defenders), but in this case we perform them unopposed.
affect a complete line (midfielders, defenders), but in this case we perform them with opposition.
The whole team participates, either with or without opposition.
How many game systems are there?
Well, there are probably more of them than we think. Modern soccer is moving towards the elimination of systems, as it depends on the interpretation of game situations, rather than on a fixed system. Nevertheless, we have chosen the most representative figures. Systems based on the last line of 3, 4 or 5 players and which are the most used by the best coaches in the world.